Hire Taelor to Speak


Speaking Topics

  • Overcoming Adversity

    Having overcome childhood trauma and less than likely life circumstances, Taelor has risen above through years of diligent personal development, counseling, and personal reflection. She is incredibly passionate about sharing simple, tangible ways for others to do this for themselves.

  • Building Confidence & Self-Love

    It’s Taelor’s core belief that we each have God-given greatness in us. She is deeply passionate about helping others to identify their very own unique greatness and drawing that out to help change the trajectory of that person’s life.

  • Branding

    Taelor is a creative. This means that key elements of building a business like systems and organization do NOT come easily to her. She has mastered the art of leveraging others to fill in gaps. How do you leverage talent, relationships, experiences? And feel GOOD about it? The epitome of work smarter, not harder by leveraging what’s right in front of you.

  • Communication & Storytelling

    Are you creative, always have a brilliant new idea or business? She can relate! But how do you take all of that passion and translate it into an income earning business or product? How to manage it all, stay sane, and live passionately.

Book Taelor


Local: Spokane, WA & Couer d’ Alene, ID area